5. Tutorial: Major update to the INQQA interface

Major update to the INQQA interface

Today we’re very proud to present a major update in our user interaction! We improve INQQA every day based on our customer’s feedback and experiences in different business cases. We’ve released a major update which will make INQQA faster, better and more intuitive to work with. In this tutorial we’ll take you through a quick demo to show you the new and improved way you can interact with your data and generate impressive reports.

Remember, in the first step before classification you don’t need to color every tile, nor do we need to agree with the initial categorization INQQA has made for us. The first view has been designed to conveniently allow you to explore the data and select examples for the labels you’re looking for. It’s important to explore the tiles a be sure to provide a couple of examples for each label you’re looking for. As you might notice there’s no Explore/Classify switch anymore, just the “Classify” button. It’s colored red to indicate it hasn’t been pressed yet.
After pressing “classify” all tiles have been colored and I’m able to explore the different tiles and explore how INQQA has colored them for me. This is similar to what you’ve been used to but we’ve chosen no longer to present your main labels in this view, but keep exploring in a more consistent way. If we want to explore there are a few options which you might prefer based on your preference
Before the first classification you shouldn’t have to spend more than 30-45 minutes to define your labels. After a first classification you should spend around 15 more minutes to make small changes, which you can activate by again pressing “classify”.
In this tutorial we’ve introduced you to our improved interface, we know it will make getting the most out of your data easy and convenient. There are more tips and tricks worth sharing, but these basic steps should get your started. Stay tuned for more tutorial video’s and please, do reach out to us if you have any questions or any feedback. We’re excited to hear from you.
In the meantime, let’s have fun with your data and INQQA today and in case you haven’t stated with INQQA. Visit our website and sign up for a free trail.

Check out the original post here
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