16: Tutorial: Context Specific Sentiment Analysis in INQQA (Expert Feature) (2-3)

Context Specific Sentiment Analysis in INQQA (Expert Feature) (2-3)

In this tutorial we’re going to dive deeper into the topic of sentiment analysis in INQQA. I’ll show you a specific sentiment analysis task that you can perform using INQQA and reuse the results as a bonus.

Hey INQQA enthusiasts! In this video, we’re going to dive deeper into the topic of sentiment analysis in INQQA. I’ll show you a specific sentiment analysis task that you can perform using INQQA and reuse the results as a bonus. We’ll be working with a public dataset from Kaggle.com, specifically a product sentiment analysis dataset. I’ll guide you through the steps of uploading the data, creating a new project, and applying sentiment analysis. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll learn how to train a custom domain sentiment classifier and perform sentiment analysis on your own data. Let’s get started!

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